Acupuncture is a therapeutic practice that entails stimulating certain points on the body, most often with a needle penetrating the skin, to alleviate pain or to help treat various health conditions. It is a recognized as system of healing by World Health Organization.
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How does Acupuncture work?
Acupuncture Therapist
A qualified & certified personnel who does acupuncture is an Acupuncture therapist. He/She should be knowledgeable in the Acupuncture Meridians, Therapeutics and Human Physiology. An Acupuncture Therapist
Treat patients symptoms using a variety of tools including his/her own finger tips, pen tips, needles, cups and herbal moxa sticks.
Stay in accordance with all laws of acupuncture
Keep patient records
Diagnose ailments according to Traditional Chinese Methods
Promote an alternative medicine philosophy
Acupuncture therapists have a unique opportunity to treat patients using an ancient modality of Traditional Chinese Methods. This field often provides a flexible schedule and the chance to meet many people. Acupuncture therapists can take advantage of having to work in a collaborative setting with other healthcare service providers. Acupuncture is based on an alternative medicine philosophy that one need to understand before making it a career.
Legal Status of Acupuncture in India
According to Government Order No.14015/25/96 - U & H(R) Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, New Delhi Govt. Of India dated 25.11.2003 & Honourable High Court of Kerala,an appropriately trained person can practice Acupuncture Therapy in India.The recognition status of Acupuncture had also been confirmed by honourable Minister of Health & Family Welfare on 7.8.2018 in RAJYA SABHA, Ref. Unstarred Question No.2338.Dated 18.11.2017, The Madurai Bench of the Madras High Court directed that qualified and certified persons be permitted to practice acupuncture. Also Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, New Delhi Govt. Of India Order Ref: No.U-11018/03/2018-HR/e-office: 3164145 states that Acupuncture has been accepted to be recognised as a healthcare system.Maharashtra state has already formed an independent council for acupuncture.As per the latest order dated 22.12.2023 of High Court of Madras, TN Clinical Establishment Act is not applicable for Acupuncture Practice.
N.B: The aim of these course is to create a properly qualified therapist community. By completing these course. the candidate becomes a certified therapist and not a medical doctor.He/She should not prefix 'Dr.' before their name unless he/she is holding other degrees like MBBS, BAMS, BHMS, BSMS, BNYS, BUMS, BDS or PhD. They are free to work as therapists to support any healthcare system, as per the Government Order No.14015/25/96 - U & H(R) Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, New Delhi Govt. Of India dated 25.11.2003.
Our study materials and syllabus are prepared / complied by Dr.S.Bharat,MD(Physician),MD(Acu),MA(Yoga),MD(Acu & Varma),B.Nat,DNYS,PGDOWM,PGDAcu,Prof.Acu,DBCFM,DAcu, Dr.Kuyli Bharat,MBBS,MSc(Yoga),MD(Acu & Varma),
Post successful completion of training, Certifications are done by BHARAT SEVAK SAMAJ, N.D.A. Promoted by GOVERNMENT OF INDIA,NEW DELHI. See model certificates by clicking here.
About the Course Mentor
Dr.Bharat is a medical physician who holds MBBS - MD(Physician) degree from abroad.He is qualified in the Indian Medical Licentiate Exam FMGE, which is rated as one of the most difficult medical exam to crack by most doctors and the same proves his proficiency in allopathic medicine.He also got qualified in naturopathy & acupuncture and he is one of the very few government registered acupuncture practitioners in Tamilnadu to have been registered with Maharashtra Acupuncture Council.He has great interest towards preventive & wellness healthcare.Dr.Bharat practises only holistic healing systems because of his great belief and attraction towards holistic medicine.He has 17 years of experience in the field of acupuncture. He is the Head of SIXTH SENSE WELLNESS INSTITUTE and had structured the Weight Reduction & IVF support programs at SIXTH SENSE after research trials.Dr.Bharat adopts acupuncture. acupressure, varma, reflex, yoga, biochemic, flower & nutrition therapies in his holistic healing process. Apart from being a consultant, he is also passionate about teaching and propagating the holistic health systems to the interested and needy. He started teaching ever since he started practicing and has a vast experience in guiding and training aspiring therapists. The students will be personally given doubts clearing support by Dr.Bharat for the entire course duration.
Bharat Sevak Samaj, since 1952
Bharat Sevak Samaj is established in 1952 by Government of India.
It is approved by the Indian parliament unanimously.
It is a National Development Agency , promoted by Government of India.
The founder and president of BSS was Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru , the first Indian Prime Minister.
Bharat Sevak Samaj certificates are useful for self employment & human resource development.
All certificates are eligible to do attestation & apostille.
It can be used as a proof or evidence that the candidate is skilled in a particular domain.
BSS certificates certifies that the certificate holder is a skilled person in the field.
Ministry of Human Resource Development has given approval to work as an agency of non formal education and life long learning.
Therefore BSS certificates are meant for non formal education.
BSS Certificates are 100% verifiable even from overseas.
SIXTH SENSE WELLNESS INSTITUTE is affiliated to BHARAT SEVAK SAMAJ, N.D.A. Promoted by GOVERNMENT OF INDIA,NEW DELHI was established in 2007 as The 6th Sense International Medical Academy by a group of medical practitioners who wanted to provide a more mainstream model of education in Complementary Medicine than was available in Tamilnadu,India at that time.The 6th Sense I.M.A. first enrolled students in September 2007.Its the first of such institute to be run by an ISO 9001:2008 Certified Organization, SIXTH SENSE.The 6th Sense I.M.A. is first and foremost an institution of learning and teaching, committed to serving the needs of our students and society. The successful conduct of the Institute's affairs requires that every member of the Institute, faculty, staff, and students, acknowledge and practice basic principles. We affirm the dignity inherent in all of us, and we strive to maintain a climate of justice marked by respect for each other. We recognize the right of every individual to think and speak as dictated by personal belief, to express any idea, and to disagree with or counter others point of view. We promote open expression of our individuality and our diversity within the bounds of courtesy, sensitivity, and respect.
SIXTH SENSE WELLNESS INSTITUTE dedicates itself to educational, clinical, and professional excellence, fostering the development of competent and skilful Complementary Health Practitioners, and promoting Acupuncture and Integrative Healing in the local and global communities.
Unique Syllabus covering both the Classical & Clinical aspects of the subject in a simple way
Learn from Course Instructors, who are qualified in Allopathic & Alternative Systems of Medicine
Certificates and Mark sheets are issued by BSS,NDA, Established in 1952 by Planning Commission, Government of India
Certifications by a Government established organization, which is 71 years old.
Learn from a Master, who is practicing Acupuncture for more than 17 years
Best Online Learning Resources
Our study material resources are complimentary, since propagating the subjects is our primary motto
Scheduled weekend course of 1 year duration with full doubt clearing support by the faculty
Study Materials available in Tamil & English in PDF, Audio & Video formats*
Very Nominal Fee Structure as prescribed by BSS Online Education
Fees payable online with major bank Credit Card EMIs (upto 24months*)
No additional fees for enrolling through our platform
No Age limit
Air Conditioned Ambience - For In-Centre Practical Sessions
Acupuncture Supplies On Demand - In Centre & Courier Delivery
Regular Forum Meets, Workshops, Career Guidance
Accepted Fees Payment Modes : All VISA, Master Card and major Credit Cards, Debit Cards, Net Banking, UPI & Google Pay EMI through Credit Cards subject to available Credit Limits
Announcements: Final Course Completion Exams will be in April 2025 ASSURED LOWEST FEE STRUCTURE WITH BEST IN CLASS STANDARDS