Acupuncture is a therapeutic practice that entails stimulating certain points on the body, most often with a needle penetrating the skin, to alleviate pain or to help treat various health conditions. It is a recognized as system of healing by World Health Organization.
A qualified & certified personnel who does acupuncture is an Acupuncturist. He/She should be knowledgeable in the Acupuncture Meridians, Therapeutics and Human Physiology. An Acupuncturist
Treat patients symptoms using a variety of tools including his/her own finger tips, pen tips, needles, cups and herbal moxa sticks.
Provide personalized treatment by developing a plan for each patient
Stay in accordance with all laws of acupuncture
Keep patient records
Diagnose ailments according to Traditional Chinese Methods
Promote an alternative medicine philosophy
Make health and wellness recommendations
Acupuncturists have a unique opportunity to treat patients using an ancient modality of Traditional Chinese Methods. This field often provides a flexible schedule and the chance to meet many people. Acupuncturists can take advantage of having to work in a collaborative setting with other natural healers, like Ayurveda therapists, physical therapists..etc. Acupuncture is based on an alternative medicine philosophy that one need to understand before making it a career.
Legal Status of Acupuncture
According to Government Order No.14015/25/96 - U & H(R) Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, New Delhi Govt. Of India dated 25.11.2003 & Honourable High Court of Kerala,a appropriately trained person can practice Acupuncture Therapy in India.The recognition status of Acupuncture had also been confirmed by honourable Minister of Health & Family Welfare on 7.8.2018 in RAJYA SABHA, Ref. Unstarred Question No.2338.Also Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, New Delhi Govt. Of India Order Ref: No.U-11018/03/2018-HR/e-office: 3164145 states that Acupuncture has been accepted to be recognised as a healthcare system. Also Tamilnadu Clinical Establishment Regulation Act No.19/2018 & Tamilnadu Clinical Establishment Regulation Rules,2018 are not applicable to duly qualified Acupuncture Therapist according to judgement of Honourable High Court of Madras dated 20.12.2019
Acupuncture Course
In India, we have the following course for those interested in learning the subject: DIPLOMA IN ACUPUNCTURE PROGRAM At The 6th Sense International Medical Academy, the study materials are authored & prepared by Dr.S.Bharat,MD(General Physician),DM(Acu),MA(Yoga),DNYS,MD(Acu & Varma),PGDOWM,PGDAcu,DBCFM,DAcu, Dr.Kuyli Bharat,MBBS,MSc(Yoga),MD(Acu & Varma),MD.Diabetology., Post successful completion of training, Certifications are done by BHARAT SEVAK SAMAJ, N.D.A. Promoted by CENTRAL GOVERNMENT OF INDIA,NEW DELHI. Know more about BHARAT SEVAK SAMAJ by clicking here. See model certificates by clicking here.
The 6th Sense International Medical Academy, a division of SIXTH SENSE ACADEMY OF HEALING ARTS & SCIENCE is affiliated to BHARAT SEVAK SAMAJ, N.D.A. Promoted by CENTRAL GOVERNMENT OF INDIA,NEW DELHI. being commonly abbreviated as The 6th Sense I.M.A. was established in 2007 by a group of medical practitioners who wanted to provide a more mainstream model of education in Complementary Medicine than was available in Tamilnadu,India at that time.The 6th Sense I.M.A. first enrolled students in September 2007.Its the first of such institute to be run by an ISO 9001:2008 Certified Organization, SIXTH SENSE. The 6th Sense I.M.A. is first and foremost an institution of learning and teaching, committed to serving the needs of our students and society. The successful conduct of the Institute's affairs requires that every member of the Institute, faculty, staff, and students, acknowledge and practice basic principles. We affirm the dignity inherent in all of us, and we strive to maintain a climate of justice marked by respect for each other. We recognize the right of every individual to think and speak as dictated by personal belief, to express any idea, and to disagree with or counter others point of view. We promote open expression of our individuality and our diversity within the bounds of courtesy, sensitivity, and respect.
BSS - The 6th Sense I.M.A. Mission
The 6th Sense I.M.A. dedicates itself to educational, clinical, and professional excellence, fostering the development of competent and skillful Complementary Health Practitioners, and promoting Acupuncture and Integrative Healing in the local and global communities.
Advantages for Students
Learn from Course Instructors, who are qualified in Allopathic & Alternative Systems of Medicine
Certificates and Mark sheets are issued by BSS,NDA, Established in 1952 by Planning Commission, Government of India
Certifications by a Government established organisation, which is 68 years old.
Learn from a Master, who is practising Acupuncture for more than 13 years
Best Coaching at Lowest Cost
No Age limit
Air Conditioned Ambience
Acupuncture Supplies On Demand - In Centre & Online