There are two programs that are in offer.I am new to Acupuncture field. I am not sure which training program is right for me.No confusion from now onwards.Go through this page to get clarified.
Understand what personality traits an Acupuncturist should possess.
To be an Acupuncturist, Make sure that You are:
Comfortable working with the public
A good listener
A clear communicator
& You should have
High ethical standards
Tendency for self motivation
Critical-thinking skills
A sympathetic nature
Interpersonal skills
Check your Group:
Group A: i am fresher to this subject.I want learn from the basics step by step.In future,I may start an Acupuncture career or I may use my Acupuncture knowledge among my family members and friends.I am seriously interested in the subject. If your mind is set to the above conditions, Choose ACUPUNCTURE THERAPIST PROGRAM
Group B: I am fresher to this subject.I want to learn the subject.I may use my Acupuncture knowledge only among my family members.I will NOT take Acupuncture as career option in the near future. If your mind is set to the above conditions, Choose DIPLOMA PPROGRAM
If more counseling is needed, do Whatsapp or Mail us to choose the right option you. Click here.